What is dra.gd?

dra.gd is a website builder for the decentralised web. Unlike other website builders, sites built with dra.gd are hosted without a centralised server, using Web3 technologies like ENS (Ethereum Name Service) and IPFS (InterPlantery File System) to provide a viable alternative to the Web2 stack.

Why a decentralised website?

Relying on any kind of centralised service provider to host your site creates a single point of failure, which can be used to censor or delete your content. Sometimes entire cloud providers are blocked by governments or nation states to prevent access to information.

The Web3 economy also prevents concentration of wealth in the hands of a few popular service providers, by allowing anyone to provide infrastructure and reap monetary rewards, while providing resilience against political boundaries.

How do I design a site?

You can design your site using the drag-and-drop site builder. Use the built in components or create your own using html, css and js. Pages made with dra.gd are responsive by default.

When you save, a draft page is published at dra.gd/<sitename> , and you can share this link with others too. When you’re happy with the design, you can publish your site to IPFS.

Documentation for the site editor can be found here.

How do I connect my .eth domain to my site?

Websites created with dra.gd are deployed to IPFS and have a unique address. This address can be added to the ‘content’ field of your ENS NFT. We are working on an automated process to do this, but we can always assist you with setting this up manually on our Discord channel.

How much does it cost?

It’s completely free.

Documentation Links:

Page Builder